
HomeQ&AsRather Than Divorce, Can I Get Separated Instead? What About An Annulment?

Rather Than Divorce, Can I Get Separated Instead? What About An Annulment?

Yes, if you are not prepared to file for Divorce, then another option would be a Judicial Separation in Hong Kong. In Hong Kong, you can obtain a separation based on either (1) adultery or (2) behavior.

But you must remember that if you are separated, you are not divorced so you cannot get remarried. So if you decide to remarry, you still have to get a divorce.

If on the other hand, you want an annulment, you have to prove that the marriage was invalid.  Invalid could be for example, bigamy or the other party did not validly consent to the marriage because he/she was under duress, mistake or unsoundness of mind. These are only a few examples of what would constitute a basis for annulment.

milanmaharjan Changed status to publish January 10, 2023
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